Metauni AI Safety seminar 19 October 2023
Notes for a talk I gave the the metauni AI Safety reading group
In this seminar we look at the paper “What does it take to catch a Chinchilla? Verifying rules on Large-Scale Neural Network Training via Compute Monitoring” by Yonadav Shavit.
This paper proposes a solution which addresses the following situation:
- There are agreed rules which limit large scale development of AI systems.
- There are AI race dynamics (eg between companies or countries). All actors would prefer to follow the rules and develop AI systems safely (or entirely forgo developing dangerous models), but they are under pressure to sacrifice safety to deploy high-capability systems faster as they have no way of verifying whether their competitors are doing the same.
This paper should be read as one which organises and clearly states a number of technical problems which, if solved, would constitute a mechanism to enforce rules on training frontier models.
Some limitations of the proposed solution:
- Only focussed on training runs done in large, specialised, known data centers.
- Chips produced before such a framework comes into place will escape monitoring.
- Doesn’t apply to small models.
- Once a model is created it doesn’t restrict its proliferation.
Problem statement
We consider the following setting. We have two parties: the Verifier and the Prover. The Verifier’s goal is to verify (with high probability) that the Prover is complying with AI training rules, and the Prover’s wants to convince the verifier that it is. The Verifier can request the Prover take actions, such as disclosing information about training runs. We assume that the Prover is a covert adversary (Aumann and Lindell 2010), meaning that they want to violate the training rules but only if they can still appear compliant to the Verifier.
We further impose the constraint that the Prover does not want to disclose confidential information about how their (legitimate) models are being trained, and the Verifier accepts this. In other words, the Prover should not be required to disclose information which would allow the Verifier to reproduce their models, or otherwise gain an advantage. Ideally the only information the Verifier can gain is whether or not the Prover has complied with the rules.
The paper highlights two real-world Prover-Verifier relationships:
- Domestic Oversight: A government enforcing regulations on companies within its borders.
- International Oversight: Internationally agreed rules where the Prover is a government or large company and the Verifier is another government or international body. For example the START treaties between the US and the USSR/Russia, which allow each party to inspect one another’s nuclear weapons facilities.
The central problem is:
What what minimal set of verifiable actions can the Verifier require the Prover to take that would enable the Verifier to detect, with high probability, whether the Prover violated any training rules?
Types of rules
The paper lists several examples of properties of training runs which could be constrained.
- Total training compute: cf. scaling laws.
- Properties of the training data such as whether the dataset contains code for cybersecurity exploits.
- Properties of the hyperparameters such as the amount of reinforcement learning used.
- Benchmark performance: such as on benchmarks designed to determine a model’s capabilities.
- Combinations of other rules such as “if the model was trained using RL for more than X GPU days then it should not exceed performance level Y on benchmark Z”.
However, the paper notes this as an open problem: “Current ‘scaling law’ extrapolations are not yet able to reliably predict ML models’ downstream capabilities, so finding principled methods for deciding on rule-thresholds that achieve desired policy outcomes is an important area for future work.”. Cf. devinterp.
Monitoring protocol
The entire monitoring protocol can be broken down into three parts:
1. On-chip logging
During a large training run, the neural network’s weights are split across a large number of chips. We call this a weight shard. Intermittently (and randomly) over training the weight shard \(\)w\(\) on each chip is saved. The Prover retains a copy of \(\)w\(\), and a hashed version \(\)h = H(w)\(\) is retained for the Verifier This could be stored securely on the chip so the Verifier can retrieve it by physical inspection, or having the chip sign the hash with a private key and sending it to the verifier. A physical inspection would also mean the Verifier could check whether the chip had been tampered with.
2. Training run verification and proof of training transcript
The Verifier is allowed to choose any chip and weight shard to inspect. Once a weight shard \(\)w\(\) is chosen, it is the responsibility of the Prover to convince the Verifier that (with high probability) that the run which generated this weight shard did not violate any of the rules. Precisely how this is done is an open problem; we consider a candidate protocol below.
The paper derives lower bounds (in terms of the number of chips a Prover owns) in the sampling rate of chips to ensure a single rule violating run is caught with probability \(\)p\(\). See paper, but the number of samples does not appear unreasonable.
For every training run the Prover retains a training transcript \(\)T\(\), which contains all the information to deterministically reproduce the training run (including but not limited to: model architecture, dataset (and ordering), random seeds, hyperparameters). If we assume, given \(\)T\(\), that \(\)w\(\) may be deterministically reproduced and that it is very difficult for the Prover to find a second training transcript \(\)T’ \neq T\(\) which also produces \(\)w\(\). Given these assumptions the Prover could reveal the training transcript \(\)T\(\) to the Verifier and retrain the model to reproduce the shard \(\)w\(\) (which the Verifier observes). This has some obvious problems:
- The Prover would likely be unwilling to agree to reveal \(\)T\(\), as this reveals confidential information.
- The verification procedure is extremely expensive.
- The assumption that the training process is deterministic is not realistic (eg due to noise in computer hardware).
- It is not clear whether it is genuinely difficult to find fraudulent training transcripts.
We first consider a better verification procedure and then address point 1.
Proof of learning and proof of training transcript
While the proof of training transcript (PoTT) problem (proving that a given transcript results in a weight shard \(w\)) has not yet been studied, a related problem called proof of learning (Jia et al. 2021) (PoL) has. In this problem, the Prover wants to prove that they ‘own’ a given, trained model (eg. to refute intellectual property claims). Let \(W\) be the final weights of the model (which the Prover wants to prove ownership of). If they have legitimately trained the model, the Prover retains the training transcript \(T\) and previously agreed model snapshots \(W_0, W_1, W_2, \ldots\). A Verifier first checks that the initialisation \(W_0\) is likely random, and then uses some procedure to choose pairs of weight snapshots \((W_i, W_{i+k}), \ldots, (W_j, W_{j+k})\) which are \(k\) steps apart. These, along with the training transcript, are revealed to the Verifier and these sections of training are rerun. The verifier confirms that running training from \(W_i\) according to \(T\) for \(k\) steps (approximately) results in \(W_{i+k}\). Various procedures for the verifier are proposed in the literature. “Heuristic-based” method are proposed but it remains the subject of ongoing work.
PoTT differs from PoL in the following ways:
- Regardless of whether or not the Prover is behaving legitimately, they know the correct training transcript \(T\) to produce the requested weight shard \(w\).
- An adversarial Prover may be willing to spend more than the original training compute to construct a spoofed training transcript \(T'\) which complies with the rules.
- The PoL problem considers the situation where the entire weight vector is known to the Verifier, rather than just a weight shard.
The paper suggests that the PoTT problem seems strictly harder than PoL, however it is conceivable that a PoL protocol may be used for PoTT. The paper states the following definition by which to evaluate a PoTT protocol.
Definition: A PoTT protocol \((R, V)\) consists of a Prover’s reporting protocol \(R\) and a Verifiers verification protocol \(V\). Given a target weight vector \(W\) and training protocol \(T\), if \(W\) was legitimately produced from \(T\) then the Verifier should accept with high probability:
\[\mathbf{P}(V(T, W) = \text{accept}) > 1 - \delta\]for some small \(\delta\). A spoofed training transcript \(T'\) for a weight vector \(W\) is a training transcript which is sufficiently different from the True training transcript \(T\). A PoTT protocol us \(J\)-efficient and \(F\)-hard if \(V\) is \(\mathcal{O}(J)\) and there does not exist a \(\mathcal{O}(F)\) spoof-generation algorithm \(A\) such that
\[\mathbf{P}(V(A(T), W) = \text{accept}) > 1 - \delta '\]for some (fixed) small \(\delta'\).
Some notes:
- While PoTT is likely harder than PoL, PoTT has the advantage that the Verifier does not have to reveal their verification strategies to the Prover (and can use multiple). This means it is more difficult to come up with an adversarial spoofing algorithm which attacks the specific verification strategy \(V\).
- Require the Prover to pre-commit portions of its training transcript and log a (hashed) version with the weight snapshot. This constrains the scope of an adversarial Prover to come up with spoofed training transcripts.
- On point 3 (weights vs weight-shards), the paper presents the view that it is likely to be just as hard to find a training transcript which is a spoof for a weight shard as it is for the entire weight vector. It however is an open problem.
Keeping the training transcript confidential
The paper proposes the following method. Upon requesting to inspect a shard:
- The Prover provides a hashed training transcript to the Verifier.
- The Prover and Verifier agree on a trusted environment to execute the verification procedure. That is, one where the Prover trusts the Verifier cannot observe sensitive information and the Verifier trusts will legitimately perform any tests it asks.
- Within the trusted environment, the Prover supplies the training transcript and
the Verifier asks for tests to be performed. That is:
- Check whether training transcript and weight shard both produce the hash values provided to the Verifier.
- Perform the Verifier’s protocol \(V\) to check whether the weight shard was legitimately produced from the training transcript.
- Run any other tests on \(T\) which check whether it complies with the rules.
3. Supply chain
Basically we need to know where all the chips are. I don’t know very much about this, but the paper seems to suggest that a lot of this infrastructure is already used for other purposes eg. when the US exports military technology to its allies.
- Shavit (2023) “What does it take to catch a Chinchilla? Verifying Rules on Large-Scale Neural Network Training via Compute Monitoring.”
- Aumann and Lindell (2010) “Security Against Covert Adversaries: Efficient Protocols for Realistic Adversaries,” Journal of Cryptology, 23.2 pp. 281–343
- Jia et al. (2021) “Proof-of-Learning: Definitions and Practice,” in 2021 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy